Imagination is Powerful

...and everyone has access to it.

This is Imagination is For Everyone.

A bit about me: I’ve been blogging (At-Will Blog, Thoughtcrime Games Blog) freelancing (WotC, Paizo, and lots of great indies) for well over a decade. In this newsletter I plan to share some of that experience and how it can help you in the design and running of your TTRPG games. I want to talk about adventure and scenario design, mechanics, storyfeel, game textures and so much more.

I’m keeping this blog to 1 or 2 posts a month, and will try to keep the posts to about a 5-10 minute read. My intent is to provide actionable insight that you can use at your table or in your designs.

Thanks for joining me on this journey.


Around (And Over and Under and Through) the Table


Games For Humans